So what is Blank Noise?  It’s a campaign aimed at mainstreaming the issue of eve-teasing, or street violence/public sexual harassment predominantly targeting women, in India.  Eve-teasing is present in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal and can range from sexual gestures to groping.  It has been traditionally disregarded as harmless and inconsequential, rather than a crime.

The Blank Noise campaign utilizes the Internet as a space for dialogue, collaboration, and idea formation among men and women and across cultures.  It was started in 2003 by Jasmeen Patheja, a graduate of the Srishti School of Art Design and Technology in Bangalore, India.  The campaign goals are:

  • Change the perception behind eve-teasing
  • Establish public responsibility for eve-teasing
  • Explore, define, question, and trigger debate on one’s personal boundaries in public spaces
  • Define types of harassment
  • Define and emphasize clear-cut violations
  • Build a relationship between women and the city in which they live
  • Mainstream sexual harassment as an issue concerning both men and women
  • Encourage and enable women to question their fears and threats (also in the context of class and caste)
  • Generate research through public participation
  • Disseminate information through various means with an emphasis on social media